Peak expiratory flow
Peak expiratory flow

peak expiratory flow

If the personal best measurement improves a lot, the amount of medicine may be reduced. If it decreases, medicines may need to be changed or increased to prevent asthma from becoming worse. The personal best measurement needs to be evaluated now and then to see if it has changed. The written action plan lists what steps to take for each zone. The yellow zone is 50% to 79% of the personal best reading. For example, the green zone is 80% or more of the personal best reading. The highest peak flow reading-a person's personal best-is the number the doctor uses to set up the zones in an asthma action plan. Peak flow rates are compared with charts that list normal values for sex, race, and height. A decrease in the peak flow can show that the bronchial tubes have narrowed even before asthma symptoms start. Peak flow drops when the tubes that carry air to the lungs (bronchial tubes) narrow.

peak expiratory flow

Peak flow is used in the monitoring and treatment of asthma to find out how well your or your child's lungs are working. Your personal best is the highest reading you have over this period of time. During these weeks, peak flows should be recorded at least 2 times a day. You can find your or your child's personal best by taking peak flow readings over 2 to 3 weeks when the asthma is under control-when you or your child feels good and has no symptoms. Your lungs aren't working well, even if you aren't having asthma symptoms.Ī person's personal best is their highest peak flow reading. If you can only breathe out slowly and with difficulty, you have a lower number.Your lungs are working well, and your asthma may not be bothering you. If you can breathe out quickly and with ease, you have a higher number.You measure peak flow with a peak flow meter, a device that you can use at home. 1 Your peak flow meter can be used for short-term monitoring in certain situations.


The peak flow meter is a handheld, portable device that measures how well air moves out of your lungs. Peak expiratory flow, or peak flow, is how much air you breathe out when you try your hardest. If you have asthma, you can use a peak flow meter to measure your lung function, or peak expiratory flow (PEF), at home. Note down the reading in a diary to allow comparison with readings on other days.Overview What are peak flow and personal best?.Repeat the process 3-4 times and record the highest reading.Place the mouthpiece in your mouth and form as tight a seal as possible around it with your lips.Take as deep a breath in as you can and hold it.Whats considered a normal score depends on your age, height and sex. This is given in litres of air breathed out per minute (l/min). Step 03Įxplain the different steps in PEFR measurement to the patient. Your peak flow score also known as your peak expiratory flow (PEF) will be displayed on the side of your peak flow meter. Step 02Įxplain to the patient that they should be checking their PEFR regularly, particularly if their asthma is worse than usual. Furthermore, you should explain why measuring their PEFR is important as a guide to how well-controlled their asthma is at this time. If they do not fully understand then you should explain what is happening and that when they have an exacerbation they will find breathing more difficult. It is benefitial to check the patient’s understanding of their condition.


This station therefore tests several examination skills, firstly your knowledge of the underlying condition being monitored, how to use a peak flow meter and your ability to communicate both of these areas to the patient. PEFR monitoring is a simple and costeffective means of determining the degree of airways obstruction. There are UK guidelines for the “normal” values which you can use to compare against the values your patient is able to achieve. However it is useful for patients to perform themselves, especially when they are having a flare up of their respiratory disease such as asthma. It is a crude measurement and not as accurate as Spirometry. PEFR is the maximum flow rate generated during a forceful exhalation, dependent on the strength of the thoracoabdominal muscle. Peak expiratory flow rate is the measurement of how much the patient can blow out of their lungs in one breath.

Peak expiratory flow