Don't let them screw you too! I definitely won't be playing this game again until they address all these issues. So Ubisoft again releases another half-baked game and screws their customers. On top of all that, I bought the Ultimate Edition and it still won't give me any of the cosmetics that come with that edition. Not frustrated yet from the game crashing or screwing you over in races? Well, just keep playing and I'm sure after you've heard the same song 25 times in a row (it restarts the same song over when you restart a race), you will rather bang your head against a wall than keep putting up with the crap Riders Republic sends your way. If you aren't frustrated yet, just wait until you've restarted the game for the 15th time because it randomly crashed. By the 20th or 25th time of having to start a race over because you make one tiny mistake or get bumped by the ghost opponents, you are going to want to pull your hair out. A lot of those bumps from the ghost opponents are going to cause you to crash or mess up and have to start from the beginning. If you enjoy cheap mechanics that constantly screw you, you are going to love this game! You are going to get bumped so many times in races. After that it became one of the most frustrating games I've played in a long time. Well, that lasted for about an hour or so. After that it When I first started playing this game, I really thought I was going to enjoy it. When I first started playing this game, I really thought I was going to enjoy it. The only negative part is the shop is very expensive, so if you wanna buy some new 's really expensive. If I had the opportunity to talk with the developers, I would tell them to put more sports in it like scooters, roller skates, boats or jet ski, iceskating.or funfair games.because anything can be put in this game like those sport tools I mentioned. I'm in love with this game and I hope it becomes more popular because it deserves it. graphics: beautiful - vibe: the best part of the game - tracks, sounds: 10/10 It's super smooth anytime when you go from one place to another or when you are changing tools, or racing with a lotta people at the same time, there is no loading time, perfect. Guys we should be happy to have a game like this and appreciate it. I registered here because of this game.

all mashed up for you to shred! Squad up with your friends and compete in a wide range of multiplayer modes: feel the rush of downhill races, dominate maps in team vs team competitions, or give it your best shot in epic mass PvP races with more than 50 other players. Immerse yourself in iconic American national parks including Bryce Canyon, Yosemite Valley, Mammoth Mountain.
Live out the rider's fantasy as you roam free in a huge, vibrant open world, always buzzing with other players around you. Live out the rider's fantasy as you roam free in a huge, vibrant open world, Jump into the Riders Republic massive multiplayer playground! Meet and compete with other players, and ride hard with an exciting range of activities such as bike, ski, snowboard, wingsuit and rocket wingsuit. Summary: Jump into the Riders Republic massive multiplayer playground! Meet and compete with other players, and ride hard with an exciting range of activities such as bike, ski, snowboard, wingsuit and rocket wingsuit.